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Why digital skills are the foundation of our future workforce

Essential digital skills are a step towards learning lots of other new things. They can improve your confidence to use technology for work, learning and daily life.

Many jobs today need digital skills. You need them even for jobs that do not ask for high levels of qualifications or experience. For example, if you work in a warehouse or a shop you may keep digital records of stock.

You also need digital skills every day for shopping, banking, and keeping in touch with family and friends.

Digital skills at work

As technology advances, most jobs are beginning to need some level of digital skill. 

Technology is also creating lots of exciting new jobs. These jobs will need workers with the confidence to:

  • use the internet on a mobile phone, tablet, laptop or PC
  • communicate online using email and social media
  • work from home or a remote location. For example, using online tools like Zoom, Skype, Teams and Facetime to communicate
  • create online accounts to access information
  • search for reliable information online
  • behave safely and legally online